
I look around me for clues, emptiness only I find, I only hear the sound of silence… yes I can hear it telling me to look in the emptiness, to not give up. Yet, people around me begging to give up, stop looking and stop trying… but no, they can never stop me and they can never bring me down. I turn up the sound of silence by simply closing my ears to enter the world of silence, and look deeper for clues in the emptiness, clues about the reason I was put on earth, why was I put on earth as a Martian, yes I am a Martian, created in a unique – some say hideous – way but I think I was born unique, and that’s what’s important, me, and only me.

I close my eyes to look for clues in the emptiness and I find light, yes light in emptiness, but this is uncanny, how can it be, light in the emptiness, but all these years I thought that emptiness means darkness and that light can’t survive in there. And so I walk, wait! I walk? I asked anxiously, the sound of silence replied determined “you control emptiness, you create it, you build it and you demolish it, too” I looked around me and wondered, why would I look in emptiness for clues if I’m the one in control? Waiting for the reply I hear footsteps, and I look for the sound in fear and then the sound of silence replies “yes, the emptiness is your creation and that’s the reason why I told you to look for clues in it, you will only find what you exactly want there.” Yes, he’s right, I will only find what I want, the footsteps are getting louder and louder and accordingly I’m getting more scared, stood in silence I waited to see who is that in my emptiness, I heard her voice, yes it’s a ‘she’, I see a hand coming towards me, trying to take me away to the light. We walked together in silence, her face was unclear, and so I waited for the sound of silence to give me an answer about this woman, but silent he remained. Walking together as I look around in my emptiness I see my childhood being built as I walk by, just like when going deeper in someone’s timeline on Facebook – photos and life events being brought to you from this exact moment till the day you were born. The woman finally speaks right before we stepped into the light and said softly “I must leave you now, bye”, I didn’t have the time to ask her name or even say goodbye before she disappeared into pink smoke.

As soon as I step into the light I wake up, alarm clock ringing, birds singing and an answer I haven’t even got, I tried dropping into sleep again just to go look for clues again, but the sound of silence talked to me for one last time “you had a chance to look for clues but you chose to follow your lust and go with that woman, and where have she got you? Nowhere! You, humans, always choose relationships and forget life’s real purpose” and he went away, too.

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